ORDER BLANK FOR CIA WORLD FACTBASE SN:WF103ASPCD ------------------------------------------------------------------- CIA WORLD FACTBASE, latest version & registration for single license PLUS a BONUS 1000+ Quotes textbase! ($29) x ____= $___________ CIA WORLD FACTBASE 10-Pack license ($199) x ___ = $___________ CIA WORLD FACTBASE uses the Information Please software. This program is not required to run factbase, but it allows you to build your own factbase programs. INFORMATION PLEASE software package, bound manual, latest version registration, diskette, single license ($49) x ____= $____________ Print the file SITELICE.DOC for site licensing information. Other TexaSoft Programs: KWIKSTAT:Statistical Analysis Package ($99)x _______= $____________ PC-CAI:Write your own tutorials ($69)x _______= $____________ IMPORTANT:Add $5 P&H (US/Canada/Mexico) P&H $____________ or $12 (Outside US/Canada/Mexico) or $10 for P.O. C.O.D. or RUSH Order or $15 for U.S. Overnight SUB TOTAL $____________ Texas Residents add 8.25% sales tax TAX $____________ TOTAL ENCLOSED TOTAL $ ============ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Specify: ____5 1/4 inch disk or ____ 3.5 inch disk ------------------------------------------------------------------- Check one:___Check or M.O. ___MC ___VISA ___Am.Exp. ___ P.O. #_____ ------------------------------------------------------------------- IF CREDIT CARD:Name on card:_________________________________ Card Number is:____________________________Exp Date__________ Authorized Signature:________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mail order to:___________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip/Country:__________________________________________ Phone ( )_____________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Where did you hear about factbase?_________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------- 90 day unconditional guaranteed satisfaction or return for a full refund. Mail Order to: TexaSoft, P.O. Box 1169, Cedar Hill, TX 75104. Purchase Orders and C.O.D. orders accepted. Phone Orders (Visa, MasterCard, Am. Exp.): Call 214-291-2115 or (in US) 1-800-955-TEXAS. Fax: 214-291-3400. CIS:70721,3145. Internet:70721.3145@compuserve.com ------------------------------------------------------------------- In UK:register with ElectronArt Design Ltd 78 Kimberly Avenue Ilford ESSEX IG2 7AS Phone/Fax 081-983 8686 [24 hrs/7 days] CIS:100023,1267 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Order Today!